Hi! Thanks for taking the time to complete this form. It updates your contact information for our church. Please enter the relevant information for all church participants within your household. Note, you can opt a person in or out of using their contact details for our regular emails or being published in the Church Directory.

Your Privacy

Before you start filling in this form, we need to tell you what we’re going to do with the information you give us. You can read our Privacy Policy for further information on how we keep your information safe and secure. We’ll make sure that all of this information is protected all the time. Only people who need access to it will have it, and even then, they’ll only get access to the bits they actually need. If you wish to access any personal information held about you or the participant please contact the Church Office on 8272 0258 or admin@upbc.org.au

Tip: (if relevant)

Tip: Landline number

Tip: Who can we call on your behalf in an emergency? (name & phone number)

Tip: Do you wish to be included in the Church Directory (both online and printed edition)

Tip: Do you give permission for this person's image to be used in church media/publicity?

Tip: Do you wish to receive bulk emails from the Church (ie. the Link and general church communication)?

Optional Information

Signed Consent

Please note that by clicking YES you are indicating that the information provided is true and accurate.

The action of submitting this completed form electronically takes the place of a signature. This sufficiently satisfies the electronic signature provisions set out in section 10 of the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (ETA).