Only complete fields where relevant. Leave fields blank if they do not apply to this child.
I give my permission as the registered child's caregiver, for my child to participate in any Children's Ministry activities run by Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. and acknowledge that the risk of injuries is inherent in physical activities. While I am aware that leaders will take all due care, I recognise that accidents may occur.
In the event that my child becomes ill or accidentally injured, I understand that those representing Unley Park Baptist Church Inc. will follow the instructions given above to administer first aid and contact Ambulance Services as necessary.
Please note that by ticking Yes below, you are indicating that the information provided is true and accurate and that you agree to the above terms.
The action of submitting this completed form takes the place of a signature. This sufficiently satisfies the electronic signature provisions set out in section 10 of the Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (ETA)